Thursday’s Special: Bridge of Light

Walking in the small north Italian town of Vicenza I stepped on a little, quaint footbridge that was shining beautifully in the dark. Different than much older stone bridges across the Bacchiglione this bridge seemed to evoke the music from Keith Jarrett’s 1993 classical album.

I could write about a musical phenomenon that is Keith Jarrett, but it would not be fair as there are many people that are more qualified to speak about him. I could try to give an account of his impressive musical career as a jazz and classical pianist/composer, or of his battle with a chronique debilitating disease that he finally managed to win, or I could tell you about his neurotic perfectionism and his meltdowns on concerts when he lashes out at people for coughing and fidgeting.

None of that would do justice to Keith Jarrett. His work, his music, his ratio vivendi is meant to be evaluated and appreciated with our ears only, preferably with our eyes closed.

I hope you will like the attached tracks from his album Bridge of Light. The pic I took in Vicenza is my tribute to his inimitable musical genius.


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**About Thursday’s Special: It is a ‘non-challenge’ challenge that appeals to bloggers eager to wake up their creativity and show their own ideas and interpretation of the world. I invite everybody interested to join in. There are no themes, titles and techniques set for your expression, there are no limits and restrictions (no red tape whatsoever). The only thing required is to post a photo post on Thursdays entitled “Thursday’s Special: (your theme/title)” (as explained in my Thursday’s Special introductory post), to provide a link to my Thursday’s Special post, and to leave a link to your post in the comments section of my post. If you like Thursday’s Special widget, feel free to grab it and post it on your blog.


Check out the contributions to this week’s Thursday’s Special:

47 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Bridge of Light

  1. Pingback: Urban artistry | Le Drake Noir

  2. A beautiful photograph that you have matched with beautiful music Paula. I enjoyed listening to this music – especially the violin.


  3. Pingback: Graffiti 7347 | artishorseshit

  4. Pingback: Great Blue Heron Nesting Island Photographed In Falling Snow | Babsje Heron

  5. I’m not very familiar with classical music but this is beautiful, Paula. And the photo is pure illumination 🙂 Funnily enough it reminds me of a bridge in Chester in the North West of England, but I don’t have a photo anything like as lovely. Look after yourself 🙂


  6. Pingback: Thursday's Special: Reflection

  7. Thank you for bringing Keith Jarret’s music and your evocative image together for us. I was transported as I listened and let my eyes travel over the bridge and beyond.


  8. Pingback: Famous Belgian Pigeon | Travel with Intent

    • Your post is an eye opener 🙂 Today, pigeons have such a bad reputation. I admit that I see the ones coming to my balcony as mere pests :D. Thank you very much, Debbie 🙂


  9. Yes, work, and works of art, how be separated with personal life. You shouldn’t cloud your judgment with conceivable notions and predetermined perception over the criteria of the actual creation. Well put, Paula.


  10. It must have been special to walk on this beautifully illuminated bridge. What a beautiful photo Paula, and wonderful music 🙂


    • This is much appreciated, Madhu 🙂 I’ve had a crisis (at work) recently and haven’t be very active at all, but I am slowly recovering, and have not forgotten about you 🙂


    • I like your comment Stephen and I am intrigued that you saw it as foreboding too – I didn’t. Is it cause of the pitch black darkness around it? 🙂


      • Hi Paula … I guess I always equate straight narrow walkways heading into the dark as being scary or foreboding. My curiosity wants to go down there, but there’s that element of fear or trepidation at what might be on the other side (if I could put music into my comment, it’s at this point I would play Siouxsie and the Banshees’ “Fear Of the Unknown). Is it something good, or something bad? Of course, the only way to find out is to see for yourself!


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